Enrol Now

Click here to Enrol Now for the 2025 - 2028 waiting lists

To place your child’s name on the waiting list, parents are asked to complete the online waiting list form. Waiting list places are determined by receipt of the form (whether this is completed online or in person).

Your child’s name may be placed on the waiting list from the 1st of July of the year following his or her birth (please refer to the table below). Children are enrolled at the Centre in order of placement on the waiting list. As waiting lists are usually long at Samford Kindy, we advise placing children’s names on the list as soon as possible. It is the policy of both Samford Community Kindergarten and C&K that we do not disclose your child’s number on our waiting list.

Families are offered places for their children from mid-May prior to the year they will attend. Upon accepting the offer, an enrolment fee is payable. The enrolment fee is non-refundable if the child is withdrawn from Kindy.

By completing the waiting list form and submitting the booking fee payment you agree to the following:

  • that the form is for the waiting list only.
  • that it is my responsibility to notify the Centre of any changes to my contact details.
  • that children are enrolled at the Centre in order of placement on the waiting list.

Year of attendance

Children must be at least 4 years old by 30 June in the year they are enrolled in an approved kindergarten program.

Queensland Kindergarten Funding (QKF)

If your child is of eligible age, our service may be entitled to claim funding on behalf of you child. If your child is enrolled at another kindergarten program and they are claiming the funding for your child, our service will not be able to claim the funding. You will need to notify us if your child is enrolled and claiming at another kindergarten.

Please be advised that Samford Community Kindergarten does not have a sibling policy.

Child born between:Attends KindyPlace on waiting list from:
1 July 2019 to 30 June 20212025Now Open
1 July 2020 to 30 June 20222026Now Open
1 July 2021 to 30 June 20232027Now Open
1 July 2022 to 30 June 20242028Now Open